Order Description
Rethinking Masculinity: This week, you will complete the following tasks:
1.Read a piece written by feminist author Jessica Valenti titled Boys Do Cry, which is provided here.To bolster your discussion, you should also view a set of Milwaukee’s Best beer commercials that are linked here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGItoKaX0BM
2.After you do so, respond to the discussion questions provided below. Your complete response should be at least 225 words.
3.You must also provide a thoughtful response to at least one classmate’s post (no specific word requirement).
Discussion Questions for all: What is Valenti’s central argument? Do you tend to agree or disagree with her? Why or why not? What are the dangers in socializing men/boys to “act like men”? Do you find the beer commercials linked above troubling? Why or why not?
Men: Do you experience pressure to behave in “manly” ways? Provide some examples. Does this pressure trouble you? Does it restrict or change your feelings and behaviors in any way?
Women: Do you expect/encourage men/boys to behave in stereotypically masculine ways? Why or why not? Do you contribute to the stigmatization of men/boys who do not? If so, how?
Topic: boys dont cry